eWind Solutions, Inc.

eWind Solutions, Inc.

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eWind Solutions, Inc.
8 Jul 2020

Electric Vehicles in Agriculture: Now is the Time

Cars electrify, now farm vehicles. The new 215-page IDTechEx report, "Electric Vehicles and Robotics in Agriculture 2020-2030" explains. This is a drill-down from the popular report, "Electric Vehicles in Construction, Agriculture and Mining 2020-2030".
26 Feb 2020

Significance of Alphabet Exiting Giant Drones Including AWE

Significance of Alphabet Exiting Giant Drones Including Airborne Wind Energy. Alphabet/ Google and Facebook exiting large drones does not mean such aircraft are a failure. In Alphabet, a sister company of Google, was acquisition Makani in California and later Hawaii trialling a huge drone with eight propeller-generators and a 70 meter wingspan.
28 Mar 2017

Airborne Wind Energy: sophisticated technology, primitive marketing

The technology of Airborne Wind Energy AWE has progressed in leaps and bounds recently as many developers prepare to sell them.
7 Mar 2017

Kite power: Diesel killer or wind turbine killer?

The new IDTechEx report, "Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) 2017-2027" finds that making electricity by flying kites and the like can potentially address two very different opportunities: kill diesel or kill wind turbines.
18 Jun 2015

Airborne Wind Energy Conference Netherlands 15-16 June Part Two

There is healthy disagreement among everyone concerning the optimal products, with some going to grid applications first then planning off-grid or, like Makani, looking only at on-grid.
17 Jun 2015

Airborne Wind Energy Conference Netherlands 15-16 June Part One

This is the leading event on this subject: it moves around the world. AWE is the generation of electricity by flying devices in the wind, whether tethered or untethered. Almost all such projects involve tethered devices, over 30 being kites. Some are tethered aircraft that can take off and land themselves