29 Nov 2018

Medical IP
Update from IDTechEx Show! USA 2018
10 Oct 2018

The new frontier in dental and medical 3D printing at IDTechEx Show!
The proliferation of new 3D printers and manufacturers targeting the healthcare market specifically is indicative of the increasing uptake of additive manufacturing by medical professionals. With applications ranging from models, appliances for orthodontics, surgical tool guides for implants to orthoses and prostheses, interest in 3D printing has never been higher. This year IDTechEx is showcasing the key 3D printing innovations occurring in the medical and dental sector through a series of events, webinars and masterclasses.
21 Aug 2018

Discovering the latest innovations at 3D Printing USA 2018
The IDTechEx Show! presents 3D Printing USA 2018 in Santa Clara on November 14 & 15, which offers the opportunity for key innovators and end users across several verticals to share their insights and expertise in the leading edge of additive manufacturing. IDTechEx forecasts the total market value of 3D printers, materials and services will be $22 billion by 2028.