Polysolar Limited

Polysolar Limited

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Polysolar Limited
7 Aug 2018

Brite Solar

17 Jul 2018


Polysolar was founded in 2007 as a provider of BIPV solutions for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Initially the company developed an amorphous silicon technology, but now offers Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) based panels which bring greater flexibility in terms of design and transparency. The company is based in Cambridge in the U.K., and won the Cognicity Challenge in 2015 (a £50,000 prize), which is an award setup by the Canary Wharf Group to promote smart-city technologies.
Included are:
19 Jun 2018

New British technology turns windows into solar panels

Britain's estimated 1 billion windows could become the power generators of the future, letting light through while harnessing solar energy.
9 Apr 2018

Non Toxic Flexible Solar Reaps Rewards

NREL, Solliance, EPFL and IDTechEx speak on the various new forms of flexible photovoltaics at the conference "Off Grid Energy Independence" at the large "IDTechEx Show!" Berlin April 11-12 where exhibitors and other conference streams cover manufacturing technologies for flexible solar and more.
16 Mar 2016

Consortium to develop building integrated photovoltaic windows

The Centre for Process Innovation is part of a consortium which is developing building integrated photovoltaic devices that will enable windows of the future to not only generate their own solar power but also provide greater thermal control.
10 Mar 2015

Low-impact hub generates electrical current from pure plant power

Green wall technology and semi-transparent solar panels have been combined to generate electrical current from a renewable source of energy both day and night.