Electric Vehicles in Mining: $20 Billion Market Soon

This webinar was originally broadcast on 11th March 2020
Please note that due to COVID-19, 2020 event details may have changed.
For the most recent information, please visit www.IDTechEx.com/Events
A large part of the tens of billions of dollars in yearly capital expenditure of mining companies goes on vehicles. A load-haul-dump truck can cost $6 million. More of the activity is becoming mobile from microgrids to processors. There is a strong trend to electric drives for zero emissions and efficient robotics, with the first unmanned deep mine fully operative in 2020.
Where, when, why, by whom, what next? Fuel cells or batteries? Energy independent? How do you make all that electricity on-site with zero emissions and no stranded assets when you move on? What about sea floor mining coming in? This webinar explains.
The webinar is based on the new IDTechEx report, Electric Vehicles and Robotics in Mining 2020-2030.


Dr Peter Harrop
Dr Peter Harrop