Enabling point of care diagnostics
and continuous monitoring
25 - 26 September 2019 | Cambridge, UK

Event Updates

Registrations for the inaugural Healthcare Sensors Innovation event in Cambridge on 25-26 September is exceeding all expectations and nears venue capacity. The event is successfully bringing together the linchpins of the healthcare industry with the electronics industry to explore the opportunity in two specific areas: point of care diagnostics and continuous monitoring.
"The success of this event is down to its focus on two core growth areas: continuous monitoring and point-of-care diagnostics. With aging populations, shortage of medical staff, and the need to rapidly diagnose and treat based on accurate measurement data, this event focuses on pragmatic applications of technology innovations that are occurring now, such as the $7.5 billion electronic skin patches market." - reports Dr Nadia Tsao, Senior Technology Analyst at IDTechEx who runs the Life Sciences research practice at IDTechEx.

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