Commercialising Flexible Organic Photovoltaics for Effective Energy Harvesting (Printed Electronics Europe 2013)

Dr Jonathan Halls, CTO
Solar Press
United Kingdom


Solar Press - presentation*
Solar Press - audio presentation*

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Presentation Summary

• Progress with roll to roll manufacturing of OPV modules
• Optimisation of OPV for indoor energy harvesting applications
• Innovative routes to OPV cost reduction

Speaker Biography (Jonathan Halls)

Jonathan Halls is founder CTO of Solar Press, an innovative UK based start-up company focussed on the development of low-cost, light-weight, flexible solar panels for a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications. Jonathan is a pioneer in the field of Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) technology and is one of the inventors of polymer blend solar cells. He joined Solar Press from Cambridge Display Technology, where he led the Strategic Innovation Group, developing next generation technologies including OPV, Organic Thin film Transistors and Organic Light Emitting Diodes. He gained his PhD in OPV from the University of Cambridge, and has extensive publications and patent filings in organic electronics.

Company Profile (Solar Press)

Solar Press logo
Solar Press is a leading developer of lightweight, low cost, flexible solar panels based on organic photovoltaic (OPV) technology. The Company's vision is to be the world's leading provider of OPV Process technology to enable the low cost reliable manufacture of photovoltaic panels in high volume in all regions of the world.
Solar press is targeting applications including indoor energy harvesting (e.g. for powering autonomous wireless sensors) to off-grid charging in developing countries (displacing dangerous and environmentally damaging kerosene based lighting) and ultimately building integrated and building applied PV applications.
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