The Bainisha Concept - The Ultimate Body Motion Capturing System (Wearable Technology Europe 2015)

Ms Kaat Van De Vyver, Public Affairs Manager

Presentation Summary

The Bainisha Body Motion Capturing System is exactly as accurate as the most performant "Gold Standard" bio-mechanical set-up, through a process that surpasses the classic calibration.
In this process the "Gold Standard" 3D dynamic measurement results are captured simultaneously with the output of the Bainisha back-sensor 3D spatial information (our back-sensor captures a unique combinatorial out-put for any back-movement that a human can possibly make).
Immediately thereafter both data-sets are linked to each other - hence the 3D output of the "Gold Standard" is mathematically connected to its combinatorial equivalent of the back-sensor 3D spatial information set - which constitutes an effective data-coupling. This data-coupling is then embedded in the on-board micro-chip of the back-sensor.
The mind-blowing result is that the subject walks out with an unnoticeable micron-thick, hyper-stretchable "Second Skin"-like kid's tattoo on his back, which packs the same Body Motion Capturing power as the huge & heavy sedentary "Gold Standard" machinery.

Company Profile (Bainisha)

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Bainisha is a high-tech start-up dedicated to the development of a new paradigm in Body Motion Capturing. Based on a thin hyper-stretchable film version of an Inverse Artificial Muscle, it delivers a set of new and hitherto unattained functionalities in terms of accuracy, speed & differentiation. The on-body concept guarantees an Absolute Body References Frame and hence sets a new standard for Medical Quality Data. Because the system has no "wake-up"-threshold and no filtering and/or damping combined with a +kHz capturing speed, it allows capturing such minute displacements as muscle tremor, pre-natal contractions, fatigue induced tremble etc... as well as explosive kinetics.
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