Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Supercapacitors (Printed Electronics Europe 2013)

Ivica Kolaric,
Fraunhofer IPA
Apr 17, 2013.

Presentation Summary

  • Flexible nano carbon electrodes

Speaker Biography (Ivica Kolaric)

Head of department for "Functional Materials" and Head of business unit "Automotive" at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA in Stuttgart, Germany. After his graduation at the University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen in the field of mechatronics, he gained his first work experience in an automotive environment before joining the Fraunhofer- TEG as a research assistant.
In his first years at Fraunhofer, he has been working in the field of construction and methodical test planning as well as the execution. In a short time, he qualified for tasks and duties with higher responsibility. In the field of nano scaled carbon (CNT), Mr. Kolaric has done important pioneering work and opened up this future technology for the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Company Profile (Fraunhofer IPA)

Fraunhofer IPA logo
For more than ten years now, the researchers from the Fraunhofer IPA department »Functional Materials« have been developing new materials and products qualities based on carbon nanotubes and other allotropes such as graphene. Inspired by topics such as energy and resources efficiency, we work in our department at synthesis, modeling, dispersion and application of nanostructured carbon. Due to the high technology standards and integration methods, we are able to find customized solutions very quickly and offer our customers a unique range of services.
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