Prof Ken Sakamura, President
Ubiquitous ID Center, Japan
Sep 11, 2007.
Presentation Summary
Speaker Biography (Ken Sakamura)Prof. Dr. Ken Sakamura, Born in Tokyo in 1951, he received Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Keio University, Tokyo, Japan in 1979 and subsequently became a research associate at the University of Tokyo, where he has stayed ever since. He has become a full professor since 1996 At present, he is a professor of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies at the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, and also acts as director of the YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory (UNL for short). UNL was established in 2002, and is an independent laboratory for research and development for "ubiquitous networking" and "ubiquitous computing". He is the chair of T-Engine Forum and uID center. T-Engine Forum is a non-profit organization to promote the result of the latest result from "TRON Project" (details below). uID center is an organization which is at the core of the management of ubiquitous ID architecture promoted by UNL. He has also served on many government committees. Currently, he is the committee chair for the "Free Mobility Assistance Project" steering committee (sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation). Free Mobility Assistance Project is a project for e-mobility and e-inclusion for handicapped people who have difficulty moving as well as offering sight-seeing, shopping and other commercial information to citizens. The project is based on the idea of "universal design" and thus serves everybody. He also serves as a member of the "Innovation 25", a committee to offer advice to the prime minister's office on the policy for technological innovation. Company Profile (Ubiquitous ID Center)The Ubiquitous ID Center was set up within the T-Engine Forum to establish and popularize the core technology for automatically identifying physical objects and locations and to work toward the ultimate objective of realizing a ubiquitous computing environment. |