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Lidar 2023-2033: Technologies, Players, Markets & Forecasts

TOF or FMCW detection; mechanical, MEMS, OPA, flash, liquid crystal and other solid-state lidar for ADAS, autonomous vehicles, industrial, smart city, security and mapping with automotive focus

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The lidar market for automotive applications will grow to US$8.4 billion by 2033. The demand for lidars to be adopted in the automotive industry drives the huge investment and rapid progression of lidars, with the innovations in beam steering technologies, performance improvement, and cost reduction in lidar transceiver components. These efforts can enable lidars to be implemented in a wider application scenario beyond conventional usage and automobiles. IDTechEx leverages its experiences such as in laser physics, semiconductors, optics, sensors, optoelectronics, and transportation, to provide a comprehensive analysis on technologies and products. 10 year market forecasts on lidar units and market value with a focus on automotive have been provided. IDTechEx also tracks the development and activities of 95 global players, with unbiased research and appraisal.
Following a period of dedicated research by expert analysts, IDTechEx has published a report that offers unique insights into the global 3D lidar technology landscape and corresponding market. The report contains a comprehensive analysis of 95 players developing 3D lidar for the ADAS and autonomous vehicles market, which includes a detailed assessment of technology innovations and market dynamics. While the market analysis and forecasts focus on the automotive industry, the technology analysis and company profiles also cover lidar for industrial automation, robotics, smart city, security, and mapping. Importantly, the report presents an unbiased analysis of primary data gathered via our interviews with key players, and it builds on our expertise in the transport, electronics and photonics sectors.
This research delivers valuable insights for:
  • Companies that require lidar*
  • Companies that develop lidar
  • Companies that supply components and materials for lidar
  • Companies that invest in lidar
  • Companies that develop other technologies for machine automation
*or similar and competing sensors
Automotive lidar player landscape, including companies which already ceased operation. Source: IDTechEx
The lidar revolution: enabling more machines to see the world
Lidar, which stands for light detection and ranging, is a ranging technique that has existed for decades, shortly after the invention of laser. Lidar has already been used in applications such as mapping, surveying, military, archaeology, agriculture, and geology. The invention of beam steering technologies enables lidar to reach 3D space for extended use scenarios.
3D lidar is an optical perception technology that enables machines to see the world, make decisions and navigate. At present, machines using lidar range from small service robots to large autonomous vehicles. The rapidly evolving lidar technologies and markets leave many uncertain questions to answer. The technology landscape is cluttered with numerous options for every component in a lidar system. IDTechEx identified four important technology choices that every lidar player and lidar user must make: measurement process, laser, beam steering mechanism, and photodetector. The beam steering mechanism is the most complicated and critical choice, while the emitter and receiver play an important role in future lidar cost reduction and further performance enhancement.
Four important technology choices in designing or selecting a 3D lidar module. Source: IDTechEx
Which to win: competitive technology landscape
With numerous technological choices for the key components and measurement methods, various technology combinations can be generated, making players working in this space distinctive to each other. Each one of the 95 players that IDTechEx is tracking claims to offer a unique, next-generation product that is superior to competing technologies.
Lidar technology choices. Source: IDTechEx
However, the options are not unlimited. Certain components may work better with a particular technology, such as vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) is a more popular choice for 3D flash lidar compared with edge emitting laser (EEL). There are also fewer common combinations such as MEMS with FMCW due to more technical challenges.
With the experience in laser physics, semiconductor physics, optoelectronics, in addition to experience in advising multi-billion-dollar corporations on business growth and technology strategy, IDTechEx has built expertise in transport, electronics and photonics sectors and can provide comprehensive technological analysis and benchmarking.
The technology choices made today will have immense consequences for performance, price, and scalability of lidar in the future. The present state of the lidar market is unsustainable because winning technologies and players will inevitably emerge, consolidating the technology and business landscapes.
Vision only or sensor fusion: where will the market go?
As a representative company, Tesla stands by the vision-only camp, while the majority of automotive OEMs pursue sensor fusion with lidar included as their future answer. The demand of redundancy and increasing requirement for 3D information make lidar more and more attractive. The battle in automotive ADAS and the autonomous vehicle market helps to provide an opportunity for lidar to be accepted by other application markets with reducing price and increasing reliability. The efforts through the lidar supply chain, from materials suppliers to automotive OEMs, not only offers opportunities for conventional material and component companies, but also enables new lifestyles for the consumer with upcoming innovations.
Global lidar player distribution. Source: IDTechEx
IDTechEx has focused on players who position themselves as automotive Tier 2 suppliers, with a coverage of component suppliers and automotive OEMs. The report explores how innovations in lidar technology affect the growth of lidar market segments. In the technical analysis chapters, IDTechEx uses its experience in physics research to explain novel technical concepts to a non-specialist audience. Market forecasts are based on the extensive analysis of primary and secondary data, combined with careful consideration of market drivers, restraints, and key player activities. The technology adoption roadmaps for six types of lidar in four types of level 3+ autonomous vehicles are evaluated to provide a balanced outlook on market opportunities.
IDTechEx's model of the lidar market considers how the following variables evolve during the forecast period for each beam steering technology segment: technology readiness level of lidar, lidar unit price, vehicle production volume; autonomous vehicle technology adoption; lidar technology adoption; lidar market share per autonomous vehicle segment.
Our report answers important questions such as:
  • What are the lidar technology choices available today, and how do these choices impact on product development and product positioning?
  • What is the present status of each lidar technology and what are the future trends and opportunities?
  • How is the lidar business landscape evolving in terms of the supply chain, efforts and partnerships?
  • How will each lidar market segment evolve in the short-term and long-term?
The global market for 3D lidar in automotive will grow to US$8.4 billion by 2033.
Examples of lidar configurations considered in our market analysis and forecasts for level 3+ autonomous vehicles. Source: IDTechEx
This report provides the following information:
Technology analysis & trends
  • Benchmarking studies on beam steering technologies, detection methods, laser emitters and receivers.
  • Business chance analysis of key technologies
  • Progression and trend in lidar technology for automotive applications.
  • Lidar integration and introduction to relevant regulations
Market Analysis & Forecasts:
  • 10-year lidar market forecasts (units & value) by autonomy level for automotive application
  • 10-year lidar market forecasts (units & value) by beam steering technology for automotive application
  • Forecast of lidar unit price by technology.
Supply chain
  • Automotive lidar supply chain
  • Representative players in the supply chain
  • Existing and near-future vehicle models equipping with lidars
Player analysis
  • Overview and technology highlights of 95 players
  • Product & prototype examples
  • Technology and company analysis
  • Analysis of key company revenue
  • Patent introduction of representative companies
  • Primary information from key companies
Analyst access from IDTechEx
All report purchases include up to 30 minutes telephone time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.
Further information
If you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact our report team at or call one of our sales managers:

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1.1.Automotive lidar players by technology
1.2.Mechanical lidar players
1.3.Micromechanical lidar players
1.4.Pure solid-state lidar players: OPA & liquid crystal
1.5.Pure solid-state lidar players: 3D flash
1.6.FMCW lidar players
1.7.SWIR lidar players
1.8.IPO, direct listing, SPAC
1.9.Cost reduction approaches
1.10.BOM cost estimation
1.11.Price/cost composition
1.12.Lidar price analysis
1.13.Forecast of lidar unit price by technology 1
1.14.Forecast of lidar unit price by technology 2
1.15.Lidars per vehicle by technology
1.16.Unit forecast of vehicles with lidars
1.17.Global automotive lidar unit by technology
1.18.Global automotive lidar unit by vehicle type
1.19.Global automotive lidar market value by technology
1.20.Global automotive lidar market value by vehicle type
1.21.Global automotive lidar unit by technology in 2023 & 2030
1.22.Player geographic distribution
1.23.3D Lidar: Market segments & applications
1.24.Lidar applications
1.25.Lidar value chain
1.26.Lidar ecosystem
1.27.Automotive lidar supply chain
1.28.Lidar component high level analysis
1.29.Existing and near-future passenger vehicles equipped with lidars
1.30.Drivers for current lidar adoption
1.31.Other commercialized vehicles equipped with Lidar
1.32.Manufacturing of listed / SPAC lidar companies
1.33.Representative MEMS lidar products for automotive application
1.34.Automotive grade non-rotating mechanical lidar products
1.35.Representative 3D flash lidar products for automotive application
2.1.Autonomous driving technologies
2.2.Autonomous driving levels
2.3.Today's automated driving market
2.4.Position navigation technology
2.5.Autonomous driving basics
2.6.Sensor fusion for ADAS/AV
2.7.Vision-only or sensor fusion?
2.8.Pure vision vs. lidar sensor fusion
2.9.Challenges of pure vision solution
2.10.Optical 3D sensing: Comparison of common methods
2.12.Structured light
2.13.Comparison of 3D depth-aware imaging
2.14.Are cameras alone sufficient?
2.15.Angular resolution
2.16.Resolution requirements
2.17.Radar or lidar
2.18.ADAS/AV sensor operating wavelength
2.19.Autonomous driving sensor comparison
2.20.Radar hardware
2.21.Camera hardware
2.22.Engine control unit
2.23.Minimum hardware requirements for ADAS/AV
2.24.ADAS/AV hardware general challenges
3.1.Lidar subsystem
3.2.Lidar classifications
3.3.Automotive lidar: Operating process
3.4.Automotive lidar: Requirements
3.5.Lidar challenges
3.6.Lidar system
3.7.Laser range finder function for the first production car
3.8.Lidar working principle
3.9.SWOT analysis of automotive lidar
3.10.Comparison of lidar product parameters
3.11.Important parameters for lidar performance
3.12.Lidar technology combination choices
3.13.Overall technology analysis
3.14.Lidar development trend
3.15.Lidar beam steering trends
3.16.Summary of lidars with various beam steering technologies
4.1.Direct and indirect time of flight
4.2.Direct TOF: Time measurement via pulsed light
4.3.Signal attenuation in Rx
4.4.Indirect TOF: Phase measurement via amplitude modulation
4.5.Frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW)
4.6.TOF vs. FMCW lidar 1
4.7.TOF vs. FMCW lidar 2
4.8.Thoughts on lidar photo detection methods
5.1.1.Lidar scanning categories
5.1.2.Comparison of common beam steering options
5.1.3.Overview of beam steering technologies
5.1.4.SWOT analysis of mechanical lidar
5.1.5.SWOT analysis of MEMS lidar
5.1.6.SWOT analysis of 3D flash lidar
5.1.7.SWOT analysis of OPA lidar
5.1.8.SWOT analysis of liquid crystal lidar
5.2.Mechanical Lidar
5.2.1.Lidar steering system: Mechanical rotating (rotating assemblies)
5.2.2.Lidar steering system: Mechanical rotating (nodding-mirror)
5.2.3.Lidar steering system: Mechanical rotating (multi-facet mirror)
5.2.4.Lidar steering system: Mechanical (Risley prisms)
5.2.5.Mechanical lidar beam steering trends
5.2.6.Technology trend of mechanical lidars
5.3.MEMS Lidar
5.3.1.Basic composition of MEMS lidar
5.3.2.Lidar steering system: MEMS
5.3.3.Classifications of MEMS scanner
5.3.4.Comparison of MEMS actuations
5.3.5.Electrostatic MEMS
5.3.6.Electromagnetic MEMS
5.3.7.Piezoelectric MEMS
5.3.8.Electrothermal MEMS
5.3.9.MEMS mirrors: operation mode
5.3.10.One-dimensional MEMS lidar
5.3.11.Two-dimensional MEMS lidar
5.3.12.Analysis of MEMS-based lidars
5.3.13.Representative MEMS players
5.4.Flash lidar
5.4.1.Lidar steering system: Flash
5.4.2.VCSEL progress for 3D flash lidar
5.5.Optical phased array (OPA) Lidar
5.5.1.Lidar steering system: OPA
5.5.2.OPA principle
5.5.3.Side lobe issue improvement for OPA
5.5.4.OPA based on silicon nitride
5.5.5.Hybrid: MEMS-actuated grating OPA
5.5.6.Analysis of OPA-based lidars
5.5.7.Others that also belong to OPA
5.6.1.Spectral deflection
5.6.2.Micro-motion technology
5.6.3.Liquid crystal lidar
5.6.4.Liquid crystal polarisation gratings
5.6.5.Liquid crystal optical phased arrays
5.6.6.Metamaterial based scanners 1
5.6.7.Metamaterial based scanners 2
5.6.8.GLV-based beam steering
5.6.9.Controlling the GLV device
5.6.10.Liquid lens
5.6.11.Electro-optical deflectors
5.6.12.Acousto-optical deflectors
6.1.1.LED Illumination: Limited to short-range depth sensors
6.1.2.Laser operating principles
6.1.3.Laser technology choices
6.2.Introduction to laser diodes
6.2.1.Homojunction & heterojunction devices
6.2.2.Laser diode semiconductor selection
6.2.3.IR emitters
6.2.4.Edge-emitting lasers (EEL)
6.2.5.Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL)
6.2.6.External cavity & quantum cascade lasers (QCL)
6.2.7.IR emitters and comparisons
6.2.8.EEL vs. VCSEL for lidar
6.2.9.EEL vs. VCSEL
6.2.10.Laser diode device structure
6.2.11.Lidar model examples with VCSEL emitters
6.2.12.Optical feedback & operating temperature
6.2.13.Reliability & lifetime considerations
6.2.14.Key operating parameters
6.2.15.SWOT Analysis: EEL & VCSELs for lidar
6.2.16.SWOT Analysis: ECDLs & QCLs for lidar
6.2.17.SWOT Analysis: Fiber lasers & DPSSLs for lidar
6.3.Introduction to fibre lasers
6.3.1.Fibre laser operating principle
6.3.2.Wavelengths and modes
6.3.3.Fiber amplifiers
6.3.4.Fiber lasers for automotive lidar
6.3.5.Luminar technologies patent
6.3.6.Google & Waymo fiber laser patent
6.4.Diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSL)
6.4.1.Diode-pumped solid-state lasers
6.4.2.Continental DPSSL lidar patent
6.5.Laser wavelength discussions
6.5.1.Spectral response of different emitters and photodiodes in comparison with solar spectrum
6.5.2.Laser source wavelengths
6.5.3.Wavelength comparison: 905 nm VS. 1550 nm
6.5.4.Comparison of common laser type & wavelength options
7.1.Photodetector choice for lidar
7.2.PIN photodiode
7.3.Avalanche Photo Detectors (APD)
7.4.Single-photon avalanche diodes
7.5.Silicon photomultiplier
7.6.On Semicondctor SiPM trend
7.7.SPAD vs. SiPM
7.8.Linear vs. Geiger mode
7.9.Issues with Geiger mode APD 1
7.10.Issues with Geiger mode APD 2
7.11.Lidar detector comparison
7.12.Comparison of common photodetectors
7.13.Major lidar detector players
8.1.Point cloud
8.2.Lidar signal applications
8.3.Lidar perception hierarchy descriptions for AV
8.4.3D point cloud modelling
8.5.Reflection complication
8.6.Background noise & interference
8.7.Additional information
8.8.TOF lidar's spatial data analysis 1
8.9.TOF lidar's spatial data analysis 2
8.10.3D position & velocity data from FMCW Lidars
8.11.Poor weather performance: challenges & solutions
8.12.Pipeline of classic lidar perception data processing
9.1.Lidar Integration
9.1.1.Lidar integration considerations
9.1.2.Lidar integration positions for ADAS/AV
9.1.3.Examples of lidar integration locations
9.1.4.Lidar integration in lamps
9.1.5.Lidar integration in the grille
9.1.6.Lidar integration on/in the roof
9.1.7.Lidars integrated in other positions
9.1.8.Possible lidar integration and unit numbers
9.2.Lidar cleaning
9.2.1.Lidar cleaning
9.2.2.Ford's idea
9.2.3.Squirt cleaning
9.2.4.Valeo's cleaning system
9.2.5.Squirt cleaning system
9.2.6.Ultrasonic cleaning
9.2.7.Other ideas
10.2.Safety and standards on ADAS/AV vehicles
10.3.UNECE for L3 automation regulations
10.4.Lidar certification process
11.1.ABAX Sensing
11.1.1.Company overview
11.1.2.ABAX Sensing: products
11.2.1.Company overview
11.2.2.Company history lidar on chip technology
11.2.4.Financial information
11.2.5.Automotive partnerships
11.2.6.Development plan
11.3.1.Company overview
11.3.2.Company history
11.3.3.AEye technology 1
11.3.4.AEye technology 2™ Intelligent Sensing Platform
11.3.6.AEye lidar integration
11.3.7.Financial information
11.3.8.Aeye's customers
11.4.Analog Devices
11.4.1.Company overview
11.4.2.Analog Devices can provide various products for the signal chains
11.5.Analog Phonics
11.5.1.Company overview
11.5.2.Analog photonics' OPA FMCW lidar 1
11.5.3.Analog photonics' OPA FMCW lidar 2
11.5.4.Analog photonics' OPA FMCW lidar 3
11.6.1.Company overview
11.6.2.Apple's patent on lidars for consumer electronics
11.6.3.Apple's patent on lidars for autonomous vehicles
11.7.1.Company overview
11.7.2.Company roadmap
11.7.3.Company milestones
11.7.4.Technology introduction: Principle
11.7.5.Technology introduction: Modular design
11.7.6.Technology introduction: Dealing with interference
11.8.1.Company overview
11.8.2.Sample point cloud
11.8.3.Performance model in orbital environment
11.9.1.Company overview
11.9.2.Company lidar products
11.10.Blackmore (Aurora)
11.10.1.Overview of Blackmore
11.10.2.Aurora's partners
11.11.1.Company overview
11.11.3.Company products
11.12.Boulder Nonlinear Systems
11.12.1.Company overview
11.12.2.BNS FMCW Doppler lidar for 3D wind sensing
11.13.Bright Way Vision
11.13.1.Company overview
11.14.1.Company overview
11.14.2.Company product
11.14.3.Lidar applications
11.14.4.Company partners
11.15.1.Company overview
11.15.2.Company history
11.15.3.Cepton's lidar design choices
11.15.4.Cepton's beam steering technology
11.15.5.Cepton's lidar solution platform
11.15.7.Financial information
11.15.8.Cepton's lidar integration
11.15.9.Targeting market
11.15.10.Business model
11.15.11.Company partners
11.16.1.Company overview
11.16.3.Continental's first 3D flash production flash lidar: HFL110
11.16.5.Other lidar products from Continental
11.17.1.Company overview
11.17.2.Advanced Drive system for vehicles
11.17.3.Development of SPAD lidar
11.18.1.Company overview
11.18.2.Draper's beam steering technology
11.19.Elmos Semiconductor AG
11.19.1.Company overview
11.19.2.Elmos' lidar
11.19.3.Elmos 1st GEN lidar demonstrator
11.19.4.Elmos' SPAD arrays
11.20.1.Company overview
11.21.1.Company overview
11.21.2.Fastree3D / EPFL collaboration history
11.21.3.Company technology software-defined implementation
11.21.5.Software defined flash lidar
11.22.Fraunhofer IMS
11.22.1.Company overview Flash lidar developed by Fraunhofer IMS
11.22.3.Technologies involved in the 3D flash lidar
11.23.1.Company overview
11.23.2.Early MEMS lidar developed by Fujitsu
11.23.3.Lidar for sport application 1
11.23.4.Lidar for sport application 2
11.24.Hesai Technology
11.24.1.Company overview
11.24.2.Current product lists
11.24.3.Current product lists (cont.)
11.24.4.Hesai product history
11.24.5.Company revenue
11.24.6.Hesai lidar technology roadmap
11.24.7.Vehicle models with Hesai's automotive grade lidar
11.25.1.Company overview
11.25.2.Huawei's patent on lidar
11.25.3.Huawei's efforts in local supply chain building
11.26.Hybrid Lidar Systems
11.26.1.Company overview
11.26.3.Hybrid Lidar Systems products
11.27.1.Company overview
11.28.1.Company overview
11.29.1.Company overview
11.30.Infineon (Innoluce)
11.30.1.Company overview
11.30.2.Infineon's 1D MEMS Micro-Scanning lidar
11.31.1.Company overview
11.31.2.Company history
11.31.3.Innoviz technology
11.31.4.Wide FoV realization
11.31.6.Company revenue
11.31.7.Innoviz partners
11.31.8.Innoviz manufacturing capability
11.31.9.Vehicles adopting Innoviz lidar
11.31.10.Targeting applications
11.32.1.Company overview
11.32.2.Innovusion technology
11.33.Insight Lidar
11.33.1.Company overview
11.33.2.Company history
11.34.Jungsang Lidar
11.34.1.Company overview
11.34.2.Company products
11.35.Kyber Photonics
11.35.1.Company overview
11.36.LeddarTech/Phantom Intelligence
11.36.1.Company overview
11.36.2.LeddarTech technology
11.36.3.LeddarTech lidar designs
11.36.4.Roadmap for the realization of lidar ecosystem
11.36.5.Performance enhancement
11.36.6.LeddarTech partners
11.37.Phantom Intelligence
11.37.1.Company overview
11.37.2.Company technology
11.37.3.Company products
11.38.1.Company overview
11.39.LightIC Technologies
11.39.1.Company overview
11.40.LITRA Technology
11.40.1.Company overview
11.40.2.Litra technologies
11.40.3.Litra technologies (cont.)
11.40.4.Company partners
11.41.1.Company overview
11.41.2.Livox technology
11.41.3.Livox's beam steering technology
11.41.4.Livox's partners
11.42.Irvine Sensors
11.42.1.Company overview
11.42.2.Lidar products
11.43.1.Company overview
11.43.2.Lorentech product position
11.43.4.Company partners
11.44.1.Company overview
11.44.2.Company roadmap
11.44.3.Luminar's technology
11.44.4.Technology patent analysis
11.44.5.Other technology interest
11.44.6.Luminar's products
11.44.7.Company revenue
11.44.8.Company customer and partners
11.44.9.Luminar supply chain subsidiaries and partners
11.44.10.Application beyond automotive
11.45.1.Company overview
11.45.2.Lumotive technology
11.45.3.Lumotive lidar for consumer electronics
11.45.4.Lumotive lidars for automotive
11.46.1.Company overview
11.46.2.Company history
11.46.3.MicroVision's lidar for automotive
11.47.Mirada Technologies
11.47.1.Company overview
11.47.3.Company products
11.48.Mitsubishi Electric
11.48.1.Company overview
11.48.2.Mitsubishi Electric's MEMS lidar for automotive application
11.49.1.Company overview
11.49.2.Intel's FMCW Lidar
11.49.3.Lidar circuit
11.49.4.Large-scale PIC for SOC lidar
11.49.5.Laser processing on PIC
11.49.6.Beam steering technology
11.50.Neptec (Lumibird)
11.50.1.Company overview
11.51.1.Company overview
11.51.2.Company history
11.51.3.Lidar products for various applications
11.52.1.Company overview
11.53.Opsys Technologies
11.53.1.Company overview
11.53.2.Opsys' beam steering technology
11.53.4.Installation locations
11.54.Oryx Vision
11.54.1.Company overview
11.55.1.Company overview
11.56.Ou Lei
11.56.1.Company overview
11.57.Ouster/Sense Photonics
11.57.1.Company overview
11.57.2.Ouster's technology 1
11.57.3.Ouster's technology 2
11.57.4.Ouster lidar performance over time
11.57.5.OS product specifications
11.57.6.Digital flash lidar roadmap
11.57.7.Company financials
11.58.Sense Photonics
11.58.1.Company overview
11.58.2.Sense Photonics technology
11.59.Owl AI
11.59.1.Company overview
11.60.1.Company overview
11.60.2.FMCW lidar
11.60.3.Solid-state lidar
11.60.4.LC-OPA chip
11.61.Phoenix Lidar
11.61.1.Company overview
11.61.2.Company history
11.61.3.Lidar for aerial mapping
11.62.Photonic Vision
11.62.1.Company overview
11.63.1.Company overview
11.63.3.Pioneer's technology
11.64.1.Company overview
11.65.Princeton Lightwave (Argo AI)
11.65.1.Company overview
11.65.2.InP SPAD detector
11.65.3.GmAPD focal plane array integration
11.66.1.Company overview
11.67.QLM Technology
11.67.1.Company overview
11.67.2.Company technology
11.67.3.Company product
11.68.1.Company overview
11.68.3.Quanergy OPA lidar
11.68.4.OPA lidar detection range improvement
11.68.5.Company products
11.68.6.Quanergy product roadmap
11.68.7.Quanergy's major market
11.68.8.Quanergy partners for IoT applications
11.68.9.Company revenue
11.68.10.Quanergy's investors
11.69.Red Sensors
11.69.1.Company overview
11.70.Robert Bosch
11.70.1.Company overview
11.71.1.Company overview
11.71.3.Current product lists
11.71.4.Current product lists (cont.)
11.71.5.Company supply chain subsidiaries and partners
11.71.6.Vehicle models with RoboSense's M1 lidar
11.71.7.Vehicle models with RoboSense's M1 lidar (cont.)
11.71.8.RoboSense's partners
11.72.Rockley Photonics
11.72.1.Company overview
11.73.Scantinel Photonics
11.73.1.Company overview
11.73.3.Upcoming product
11.74.1.Company overview
11.75.1.Company overview
11.75.2.Long range and high resolution
11.75.3.Company technology
11.75.5.Chip technology
11.76.1.Company overview
11.77.1.Company overview
11.78.1.Company overview
11.78.2.Product information
11.78.5.Lidar based on Sony's design
11.78.6.Lidar based on Sony's design (cont.)
11.79.SOS Lab
11.79.1.Company overview
11.80.Strobe (Cruise)
11.80.1.Company overview
11.81.1.Company overview
11.82.1.Company overview
11.83.1.Company overview
11.83.3.BlincVision's value
11.84.1.Company overview
11.85.1.Company overview
11.85.2.Technology: optical path
11.85.3.Technology: detector
11.85.4.Projector miniaturization
11.85.5.Prototype evolution
11.86.1.Company overview
11.87.TriLumina (Lumentum)
11.87.1.Company overview
11.88.1.Company overview
11.88.2.Valeo lidar portfolio
11.88.3.Adoption examples
11.88.4.Valeo SCALA
11.88.5.Valeo Near-Field Lidar
11.88.6.Sales 2021 vs 2020
11.89.Vanjee Technology
11.89.1.Company overview
11.90.1.Company overview
11.90.2.Velodyne product portfolios
11.90.3.Velodyne software solutions
11.90.4.Velodyne lidar specifications
11.90.5.Velodyne Puck VLP-16 lidar
11.90.6.Company financials
11.91.Veoneer (Qualcomm)
11.91.1.Company overview
11.91.2.History of Autoliv
11.91.3.Veoneer history
11.92.Voyant Photonics
11.92.1.Company overview
11.93.1.Company overview
11.94.1.Company overview
11.95.1.Company overview
11.96.1.Company overview
11.97.ZVISION (AKA YijingTechnology)
11.97.1.Company overview
11.97.2.Company history
The global market for lidar in autonomous vehicles grows to US$8.4 billion by 2033

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Slides 639
ISBN: 9781915514127

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