Market Analysis of Thin, Flexible and Printed Batteries

06 August 2014 | Worldwide by Dr Xiaoxi He
The battery market today is dominated by traditional batteries such as coin cell batteries, Triple-A batteries and lithium ion batteries with the former being largely used in mobile phones, laptops and electrical vehicles. The emergence of new trends such as wearable devices and Internet of Things (IoT) is however changing the space. New features such ultra-thinness, small physical footprints, flexibility and light weight are becoming increasingly prized. New players and/or old players with new technologies are gearing up to meet this emerging need. In this article we will first look at the activities of several large companies on energy storage solutions aimed at wearable devices. We will then consider WSN and the threat of energy harvesting therein before considering medical applications. Finally, we will give our latest ten-year market forecasts segmented by application and battery type.
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